Privacy Policy

We utilize the information that you provide us with to complete the orders you place, as well as offer you an excellent online shopping experience. You can rest assured that the information you provide is never sold or transferred to any other person. The information you provide about yourself, such as the number of your phone or email address will only be utilized when there are questions or clarifications regarding your orders and purchasing needs. On your account page, you can choose to restrict or block the data that we store about yourself.

What type of data is collected?

We will collect your information whenever you sign up on our site, make an order, take part in a contest or sweepstakes and respond to a survey or other communication, such as an email, or take part in another site feature.

If you register or order when you register or purchase, we\’ll ask for information such as your email address and name. The site is accessible without revealing your identity.

How do we use your information?

As described below We may use the data that is collected from you during registration purchase, competitions, promotions, responses to surveys or other marketing materials, or while you browse the site or using certain other features on the website:

Customize your experience on our site by letting us provide the products and content that interest you most.

Let us be more responsive to questions from our customers.

To quickly process your transactions.

Use the Site to manage a site\’s contest, promotion poll or other features.

How do we protect visitor information?

For your protection and the security of the privacy of your personal information For the protection of your personal information, we employ a range of security methods. A small percentage of those with special rights as well as strict confidentiality rules are able to access your private information. Secure servers are accessible to place orders as well as accessing your personal data. The information that you input is sensitive and confidential. will be transmitted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, and encrypted in our database to only be accessed as stated previously.

Changes in our policy

This page will be updated if we change our Privacy Policy. Changes to the policy only apply to information collected after the date of the change.

Questions and comments

We would love to hear your ideas, questions as well as comments and suggestions regarding privacy. We would appreciate any comments you may have on any topic, regardless of whether it\’s privacy-related or not.

You consent

When you visit our website by using our site, you agree to our privacy policy.